
Joey Muller 2015 Senior Project

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For my 2014-2015 Senior Project, I bring forth a new language, and it's gonna be awesome (Note, original repository was named Super-Calculator, because project was intended to be a super cool graphing calculator. That changed, but arguably for the better. Now we have KangaScript!)


To run a KangaScript file from the command line, a couple of things.

Currently, you'll need a working version of Python (tested w/ 2.7) With ksexec.py on your path/ in your directory type, as well as the ks file, type

$> python ksexec.py -f test.ks

print statements are interpreted as python prints, and will be show whereever python would have

Syntax Highlighting

I have a file that specifies KangaScript syntax highlighting, for use with gedit. Plop it in the usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/ folder, restart gedit, and it should be good! C:/Program Files (x86)/gedit/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/ folder for gedit for Windows Thanks to Andrew Schulman for his Stack Overflow answer that got me started: http://superuser.com/a/354684